We’ve just delivered a global campaign for Durex and MTV Staying Alive Foundation, which aims to shape a world free of HIV. In November 2013, #SomeoneLikeMe launched worldwide across digital channels, targeting young audiences wherever they socialise and connect.
The campaign breaks down the myths and barriers that confine sex education. This means starting a frank, global conversation about sex. A conversation that says ‘you are not alone’ and ‘someone like me’ has the same worries, concerns and questions as you do. With young people talking freely about sex, the HIV message will be introduced naturally into conversation. Along with the campaign concept and branding, we also created a launch film for the campaign.
The someonelikeme.tv hub will become the world’s largest peer-generated content hub all about sex. The campaign also featured heavily on Durex and MTV social channels and paid media, with social hooks like the ‘Secret sexo-meter’ stimulating conversation and raising awareness. Then, on the eve of World Aids Day, seven countries around the world hosted events, driving the campaign message and celebrating change.
Visit: www.someonelikeme.tv